Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Early Summer
Can you believe this? This is my garden already as of last week (April 14th-ish) - in Minnesota! There are already buds on my peony plants! I am anxious to plant my veggie garden. I love this early warm weather! Happy gardening!
Friday, April 16, 2010
A treasure
THEN I read this book: Because He Loves Me, by Elyse Fitzpatrick
I was not understanding how the Gospel changes my every day life. Now, I'm still a pretty stoic person, but in my heart I feel moved to tears about Christ's perfect life, His sacrifice, His death, His resurrection, His ascension, etc. I've still felt inadequate to describe the affects of these truths to others. (especially when I know I haven't arrived at believing this every day-not even close) BUT I was challenged this morning by Elyse in her book by this, "Don't worry about sounding simple; after all, the apostle Paul determined (1 Corinthians 2:3-5) to know NOTHING but a crucified Jesus." SO I want to say to all of you the Gospel is where it's at. Here are some more quotes from the book to whet your appetite:
"The hope of the gospel is simply this then: that Jesus Christ, the incarnate Son, was born in a lowly manger, lived a perfect life, suffered from the moment of his first breath, was indescribably shamed and cruelly tortured, and then died without the comfort of his Father or the angels on Calvary's cruel tree. After three days in darkness and the tomb he rose again, still in human flesh, and then after forty days he ascended to the Father. Because of this, we have an entirely new identity, not one based on our accomplishments, our self-respect, the accolades of others, our own good works. We are completely and irrevocably justified; we have been entirely forgiven, reconciled, redeemed. We will have eternal life with him, and everything we go through now is in some way tied to these truths.
What does Paul mean when he cautions us against 'shifting from the hope of the gospel'? Simply that we must 'ponder anew what the Almighty can do, if with his love he befriend [us]!' We must ponder and be consumed with the thought of his sacrificial love, mercy, and grace. May we never think that pondering the Almighty's love is only for beginners. No one ever moves past the need to learn and then relearn this over and over again." (pg. 191)
"Failing to concentrate on God's love for is in Christ isn't a trivial thing. It will always eventuate in apathetic living. Only the gospel can so invigorate us that we burn with ardor for him in all that we do." (Pg. 195)
"we're mor sinful and flawed than we ever dared believe, but more loved and welcomed than we ever dared hope." (pg. 145)
OH, how I wish I could continue typing qoutes for you! (BUT my 2 year old is standing at my side, begging for breakfast-real life is begging for me to apply the gospel in this situation - as I am frustrated that I can't continue blogging . . .remember Jesus' patience for us . . .) Because He Loves ME is so rich, challenging, and God honoring! I praise the Lord for using a humble servant like Elyse to record such wisdom for other believers to treasure!
PLEASE consider reading this book! I know that I want to read it yearly to constantly remind my weak heart of these truths! I desire that everyone I know would read it and be encouraged in the faith as I have. I know that God can work in many other ways and you don't need this book to grow in the Lord, but I just want to share it with all of you. I'm so excited about it and I want to be able to talk about it with all of you-so we can hold each other accountable to the truths of the Gospel-more effectively!
I'm sure you haven't heard the last from this book, but please seek it out for yourself!
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Friday, April 9, 2010
HERE'S the DEVOTIONAL. Hope it's helpful! PLEASE let me know how God's working in you with the Gospel or add to the advice in the comments!!
(sorry some parts are not bulleted or indented correctly-it didn't transfer from Word to Blogging very well!)
This motherhood thing is extremely wonderful, humbling and life changing. I was trying to think of what is most encouraging and helpful for me to hear. What I decided to share will seem straight forward and simple, but it’s been so transforming in my life. AND I believe it applies to everyone whether you are a mom, a grandma, a wife, a sister, whatever you are-you need the gospel applied to your life.
BUT I’m going to focus on motherhood
First of all, the Bible talks about children being a blessing.
Psalm 127: 3-5 says,
Behold, children are a heritage/blessing from the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward. Like arrows in the hand of a warrior are the children of one’s youth. Blessed is the man who fills his quiver with them! He shall not be put to shame when he speaks with his enemies in the gate.
Psalm 128:3 says,
Your wife will be like a fruitful vine within your house; your children will be like olive shoots around your table.
Regardless of the circumstances or our feelings children are ALWAYS valuable as a blessing/a gift from the Lord. I think we know this, but can quickly forget when we lose sleep or they fuss and fuss, or they get sick, naughty, crabby, messy, etc.
I really believe God uses our children to refine/sanctify us; He uses them to root out idolatries and selfishness.
1 Timothy 2:15
Yet she will be saved through childbearing—if they continue in faith and love and holiness, with self-control.
I have been thinking about this verse a long time and I’m still not sure exactly what Paul is meaning by it. BUT I do know it’s not that we will gain salvation thru childbearing. The rest of the passage talks about Eve being deceived and bringing sin into the world. So I’d like to think that having and raising children is meant to daily save us or sanctify. Children bring out all sorts of idols in our hearts that we barely noticed were there
It’s ugly, but a huge blessing to be aware of our sins-then the Holy Spirit can work to change us.
So we know children are a blessing and all involved are sinful – so what’s a Mommy’s job in light of that?
I want to just cover one . . . kind of…all-encompassing passage
Dueteronomy 6:4-9
Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise. You shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes. You shall write them on the door posts of your house and on your gates.
Here Moses is telling them to remember and teach their children about their deliverance from Egypt and all the other things God had done for them in that journey. How much more do we know having the whole of scripture and know how Jesus fulfills all of the Old Testament. That’s a lot to teach our children. Also, I love how God knows our forgetfulness and weakness- so he tells us to do all those things to remember.
There are many other passages about training, disciplining, teaching, etc.
So when I read those passages and others about discipline or passages in Proverbs about parents and children. I think how can I do all of that?
That’s a high calling, plus we still have other responsibilities
- personal relationship with God
- love and serve our husbands,
- love and serve the church family and family,
- keep house, make our home a refuge for our family,
-maybe even supplying some income for our family
So what do we do?
Because we are weak and forgetful, we need to flood our hearts and minds with all these things so we remember truth in our daily lives
- Pray, Pray, and pray some more (sometimes that’s all you can do)
- Read, read, and read
o Bible
o Christian books on parenting and other spiritual disciplines
§ Shepherding a Child’s Heart by Tedd Tripp
§ Instructing a Child’s Heart by Tedd and Margy Tripp
§ Don’t Make Me Count to Three! By Ginger Plowman
· Also has a chart you can buy: Wise Words for Moms
§ Because He Loves Me by Elyse Fitzpatrick
§ Helper By Design also by Elyse Fitzpatrick
(You can find the parenting books at
- Listen to sermons
o A good source
- Music
o Gospel-centered worship
o Children’s music
§ Seeds Worship-word-for-word scripture verses (
- Post favorite scripture verses all over the house
- AND talk to your spouse, friends, family, children about all God is teaching you.
I know that I fail at those things but add to that all these demands: shepherding, instructing, nurturing, loving, training, disciplining, praying, reading, meditating, self-sacrificing, serving, etc. Then we also heap more standards on ourselves that are good, but not even necessary-in an effort to measure up somehow to others or what we think other mom’s are doing. We cannot possibly live up to God’s standard or even our own, we cannot arrive at perfection. Anybody feel under the pile or overwhelmed? I often do.
You will at some point feel like you’ve failed, some days you may feel bad about leaving baby to go to work or about not feeling bad that you left baby, or you won’t measure up in your mind to your standards and expectations for motherhood or what you think others standards are. I can’t even feed myself, how am I supposed to care for baby and keep house and make dinner? You won’t know what to do with your fussy baby-may even think what’s wrong with me? I thought I’d be a good mom. Oh shoot what do they think of me, I forgot to wipe baby’s messy face, she’s not in a cute outfit, she won’t stop crying, she’s dressed to warmly or not warm enough-am I eating right, why is she always sick, what did I do wrong. I wish my husband would just change her diaper or let me sleep and bounce her. I can’t think straight, I just want to sit and stop thinking. “AAAAHHH, I feel like a crazy person!” Ask my husband, I say that almost every day.
The gospel really applies to all these mundane, daily struggles and thoughts. It doesn’t necessarily change the circumstances, but does change my heart attitudes.
A friend of mine who lost her husband a little over a year ago to cancer said that these three things have been the most encouraging and helpful things said to her:
God loves you
No condemnation
Just do the next thing
(her blog is:
As a Christian, as the Father’s adopted daughter: GOD LOVES YOU
Romans 5:6, 8
For while we were still weak, at the right time Christ died for the ungodly. God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Since, therefore, we have now been justified by his blood, much more shall we be saved by him from the wrath of God. For if while we were enemies we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son, much more, now that we are reconciled, shall we be saved by his life.”
We are already justified, it’s done, we cannot do anything-he already did it. We are not under God’s punishment/wrath. We are no longer defined by our sin, but defined by who we are in Christ.
Zephaniah 3:17
The Lord your God is in your midst, a mighty one who will save; he will rejoice over you with gladness; he will quiet you with his love; he will exult over you with loud singing
I’ve struggled and struggled to believe this verse. I’ve thought, “I don’t deserve this.” While this verse gives many joy, I felt hopeless “I can never meet God’s standard enough to gain this favor.” True, but that’s not the point. Trying to earn God’s favor will always feel condemning, impossible. BUT I belong to God, through the perfect works of Jesus-He did it for me. I can rejoice that God feels this way toward ME and YOU.
Romans 8:1
There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.
Do you believe that in the midst of your failures and sin, as God’s daughter there is NO CONDEMNATION! Repent and glory in His forgiveness and love for you. Don’t do penance and try harder and be better!
MAYBE you wake up in the morning and your to-do list floods your mind, you already feel defeated BUT remember finishing or not finishing the list
DOES NOT DEFINE YOU - God sees Christ’s perfect life
When we complain and act grumpy to our husband or children
THIS DOES NOT DEFINE YOU - God sees Christ’s perfect life
When the house is still a disaster, baby’s crying, dinner isn’t even started, and we’re defensive and anxious.
THIS DOES NOT DEFINE YOU - God sees Christ’s perfect life
Think of the prodigal son. When his father saw him walking home, before the son repented, his father RAN to him (it was considered shameful to show legs, not to mention running toward such a sinful, unfaithful son). He kissed him and hugged him before the son could ask for forgiveness. THIS IS OUR FATHER! While we were yet sinners Christ died for us!
So learn to quickly repent don’t wallow in guilt or try to work off your sin. There’s nothing we can do to deserve or earn God’s favor or salvation or even His continuing work-It’s already ours - Christ already died and rose again!
I know I sound like a broken-record, but I know I need these gospel reminders all day long.
Cling to that, embrace your weaknesses because in Christ we have all things- Christ was and is the perfect parent, shepherd, nurturer, teacher, discipliner, servant, etc.
Elyse Fitzpatrick in Because He Loves Me says, “’All progress in the Christian life depends upon a recapitulation of the original terms of one’s acceptance with God.’ In other words, every forward step depends upon summing up the main points of the gospel and then living them out in our lives. Over and over again, we’ve got to take ourselves back to the incarnation, the crucifixion, the resurrection, and the ascension or we won’t make much real progress in the Christian life.”
The power and strength to obey his commands lies in our remembering the gospel.
Think on Jesus’ fleshly qualities/weaknesses, yet his full obedience.
(Incarnation) Think on Jesus’ perfect life lived for us. How did he live perfectly related to your constant struggles?
Think on the Crucifixion. He bore undeserved punishment/God’s wrath for our every failure/sin.
Think on the Resurrection. He conquered death and now lives! That power is accessible to us by the Holy Spirit.
Think on the Ascension. Christ is always interceding on our behalf. He knows what we really need and he watches over us. He understands us better than anyone on earth can and has the ear of His Almighty Father.
(pieces taken from Because He Loves Me Chapter 10)
Thru applying the gospel to every day life you will see more and more that you are “more sinful and flawed than you ever dared believe and more loved and welcomed than you ever dared hope!” (Because He Loves Me, pg. 145)
SO in the confusion and struggle of motherhood . . . remember and believe . . .
I keep failing, BUT there is therefore now NO CONDEMNATION for those who are in Christ Jesus- I am no longer defined by my sins, but by who I am IN CHRIST.
And finally the day the missionary, Elisabeth Eliott, heard on the radio that her husband was killed, she could do nothing except the next thing. She saw that her floor needed cleaning and her baby needed her so she said to herself, in her grief, “JUST DO THE NEXT THING.” We have to keep pressing on.
Warning: don’t skip the first two steps, otherwise we will just be trying to create our own righteousness or taking the credit for our accomplishments or we’ll feel under the pile - when God should get the credit for what we accomplish.
Our lives are full of the mundane, every day tasks and that’s how we serve God . . .
Doing the laundry, cuddling a baby-in the midst of a messy room, praying, sweeping the floor, greeting your husband or child with a smile, going to work even-all the while remembering how the details of the gospel really do apply to those things.
My prayer for Kristen:
THANK you Father that on this journey of motherhood and our other journey’s you have our good in mind- you know what is best for us. Thank you that having children is exciting and joyful. AND that even when it is hard and difficult you are still working toward our good and always seeking to change our hearts. Thank you that you are faithful to complete your work in us. Thank you that we are hidden in Christ and that because of his perfect life, death and resurrection we can have access to You. Please make that our treasure and Kristen’s treasure as she prepares her nest for the new little one and as she and Steve raise her to know Jesus. Please comfort Kristen as she wonders what labor and delivery will be like. Please, if it be your will, keep the baby in Kristen long enough to be born healthy and safely. Give Kristen wisdom and patience as she learns to care for her sweet baby. AND most importantly please save this little girl while she is young. That she might grow in Your grace and learn how the gospel applies to HER life. Thank you for this time to fellowship and enjoy one another. Please continue to knit our hearts together in love. AMEN
Monday, April 5, 2010
Feather her Nest

I'm hoping all my friends, especially the one the shower was for (Kristen), had a good time at the shower!
I thought I would post the recipes and the baby/mommy devotional in case anyone was interested.
Sunset Punch
orange juice
cranberry juice
freeze some cran and/or orange juice into ice cubes
combine equal parts of juices and gingerale
add juice cubes and sliced oranges
AND serve
Almond. Berry, and Cream Cheese French Toast Casserole
(long title)
8-10 cups bread cubes (I used crossiants-Challah bread is excellent, too)
8 eggs
3 cups milk
4 Tablespoons sugar
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 teaspoon almond extract
approxiamately 1 cup berries of your choosing (frozen work, too)
4-8 oz. cream cheese, cubed (to desired amount)
2 Tablespoons butter, cut into small pieces
cinnamon sugar mixture
1/2 cup sliced almonds
maple syrup
preheat oven to 350 degrees. lightly butter 9x13 baking pan. line bottom of pan with 1/2 bread cubes. sprinkle cubed cream cheese and berries. top with other 1/2 bread cubes. mix eggs, milk, sugar, salt, vanilla, and almond extracts. pour egg mixture over bread. dot top with butter pieces. cover with plastic wrap and press down with another casserole dish or something heavy enough to soak all the bread for 10 minutes or so. sprinkle with cinnamon and sugar mixture to taste. bake 45-50 minutes until top is golden and inside is fluffy and not too soggy. for the last 5-10 minutes sprinkle on sliced almonds. serve with maple syrup. enjoy!
Cheesy, Sausage Egg Dish
1/4 cup butter, melted
1 dozen eggs
2 cups milk
1 1/2 cups shredded cheddar cheese (or whatever cheese you prefer)
1 box onion garlic (or whateve you find) croutons
1-2 pounds sausage, browned (I used 1 1/2 lbs.)
grease 9x13 pan. spread out croutons then meat, and then cheese. mix remaining ingredients and pour over the top. bake at 350 degrees 45 minutes till puffed and cooked evenly. yum!
I'm sorry, I didn't do the dessert, so I don't have the recipe. I'll have to get it from Beth, cuz' it was so tasty. Let me know if you want to know that one!
AND finally some people asked to see the devotional again and the books I recommended.
I will be posting that soon-please keep checking back!