Friday, April 16, 2010

A treasure

I have been so in love with this book I've been reading for Ladie's Class at my church.  You could say it's "one of my favorite things!" It has transformed my thinking and affections.  Let me explain.  Before this book I would look at the "emotional Christian" with envy and would not understand.  "Why do they have so much joy?  How do they seem so genuinely affected by the love of God?  They cry every time they talk about what Christ did?"  Yes, I've always agreed with these truths that these people were so emotionally affected by and that they are amazing.  My very faith rests on these things, too, BUT why was my heart not affected like that?

THEN I read this book: Because He Loves Me, by Elyse Fitzpatrick
I was not understanding how the Gospel changes my every day life.  Now, I'm still a pretty stoic person, but in my heart I feel moved to tears about Christ's perfect life, His sacrifice, His death, His resurrection, His ascension, etc.  I've still felt inadequate to describe the affects of these truths to others.  (especially when I know I haven't arrived at believing this every day-not even close)  BUT I was challenged this morning by Elyse in her book by this, "Don't worry about sounding simple; after all, the apostle Paul determined (1 Corinthians 2:3-5) to know NOTHING but a crucified Jesus."  SO I want to say to all of you the Gospel is where it's at.  Here are some more quotes from the book to whet your appetite:

"The hope of the gospel is simply this then: that Jesus Christ, the incarnate Son, was born in a lowly manger, lived a perfect life, suffered from the moment of his first breath, was indescribably shamed and cruelly tortured, and then died without the comfort of his Father or the angels on Calvary's cruel tree.  After three days in darkness and the tomb he rose again, still in human flesh, and then after forty days he ascended to the Father.  Because of this, we have an entirely new identity, not one based on our accomplishments, our self-respect, the accolades of others, our own good works.  We are completely and irrevocably justified; we have been entirely forgiven, reconciled, redeemed.  We will have eternal life with him, and everything we go through now is in some way tied to these truths.

What does Paul mean when he cautions us against 'shifting from the hope of the gospel'?  Simply that we must 'ponder anew what the Almighty can do, if with his love he befriend [us]!'  We must ponder and be consumed with the thought of his sacrificial love, mercy, and grace.  May we never think that pondering the Almighty's love is only for beginners.  No one ever moves past the need to learn and then relearn this over and over again."  (pg. 191)

"Failing to concentrate on God's love for is in Christ isn't a trivial thing.  It will always eventuate in apathetic living.  Only the gospel can so invigorate us that we burn with ardor for him in all that we do." (Pg. 195)

"we're mor sinful and flawed than we ever dared believe, but more loved and welcomed than we ever dared hope."  (pg. 145)

OH, how I wish I could continue typing qoutes for you!  (BUT my 2 year old is standing at my side, begging for breakfast-real life is begging for me to apply the gospel in this situation - as I am frustrated that I can't continue blogging . . .remember Jesus' patience for us . . .) Because He Loves ME is so rich, challenging, and God honoring!  I praise the Lord for using a humble servant like Elyse to record such wisdom for other believers to treasure!

PLEASE consider reading this book!  I know that I want to read it yearly to constantly remind my weak heart of these truths!  I desire that everyone I know would read it and be encouraged in the faith as I have.  I know that God can work in many other ways and you don't need this book to grow in the Lord, but I just want to share it with all of you.  I'm so excited about it and I want to be able to talk about it with all of you-so we can hold each other accountable to the truths of the Gospel-more effectively!

I'm sure you haven't heard the last from this book, but please seek it out for yourself!

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