Thursday, August 19, 2010


THIS IS THE LAST STRAW!!!! I need to find a way to kill these squirrels. They left all 7 of my heirloom tomato plants bare - it's basically a tomato graveyard and they nibble on my zucchini and cucumbers AND now my ONE-AND-ONLY pepper. AND they don't even bother to eat it, just chew some holes in it and leave it to rot! I am so peeved. ANYONE have ANY ideas for next year? How can I wage war on these annoying squirrels?

PROMISE, the recipe for the mediterranean cavatappi with green beans is COMING SOON! I've just had some things come up that require more attention than blogging. Our sister-in-law's mother passed away this week and went to be with Jesus. So I've been cooking for them and planning for our weekend at the cabin (and trip back to the northern suburbs for a memorial service AND back to the cabin, Phew!). So, next week, hopefully more blogging.
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